Light ROM 4
Light ROM 4 - Disc 1.iso
000483_owner-lightwave@webcom.com_Mon Jul 24 17:23:59 1995.msg
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Date: Mon, 24 Jul 95 17:09:50
From: "sherak michael" <msherak@interplay.com>
Encoding: 2092 Text
Message-Id: <9506248066.AA806630990@intrplay.interplay.com>
To: lightwave@webcom.com, Robert Lansdale <lansd@dgp.toronto.edu>
Subject: Re: Looking for file format of Lightwave ASCII scene file
Sender: owner-lightwave@webcom.com
Precedence: bulk
> ObjectMotion (unnamed) ; object motion name defined
> 9
> 3 ; three keyframes in the object motion
> 0 0 15 10 0 0 4 4 4 ; x,y,z position : h,p,b angle : x,y,z scale
> 0 1 0.5 1 0.5 ; keyframe #0: linear : tension : continuity:bias
^^^^^^ This is the info I'm looing for!
Could you describe the "0 1 0.5 1 0.5" line in more detail?
> -2.105 0 14.39 10 0 0 4 4 4 ;
> 10 0 0 0 0 ; keyframe #10
> 1.225 0 12.335 10 0 0 4 4 4
> 20 0 0 0 0 ; keyframe #20
^^^^ Would you happen to know what these parameters are?
There is two lines in defined for each keyframe.. The first line is the
position, angle and scale of the object relative to 0,0,0.. The second
line contains the keyframe for the first line and the splines controls
for that keyframe.. In each keyframe these can be completely different..
This is how lightwave creates the motion envelopes.. It just does an
interpalation from one keyframe to another, which in fills in the frames
inbetween.. The number after the keyframe # is the linear toggle.. 0=off
1=on.. What this does is tell Lightwave to move in a linear line to the
next keyframe (No curve between the keyframes).. The tension, continuity
and bias each have a setting from -1 to 1 in .0000 increments.. These
are the controls for the curve at that keyframe.. Tension will tighten
the curves between keyframes, Continuity will over or under shoot the
curve evenly on both sides of the keyframe and Bias will over or under
shoot between the keyframes.. I just placed random numbers in the 3
keyframes for you to let you know that they can be different settings...
All curves between the keyframes are known at motion paths or motion
envelope (also known as B-Splines, 3 points create a curve.) A very easy
way to create motion and very easy to keep track of..
Hope this helps,
Michael Sherak
Interplay Productions, Inc.
"sherak michael" <msherak@interplay.com> sent this message.
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